Well, first and foremost, to those who came to the show on Friday, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!
It was a blast to be back up there and all the Whites are very happy with the first round!
The White Guy Challenge
It's every critic's nightmare: find out what happens when a journalist takes up the challenge to sing.
This is the blurb attached to Speakerbox’s blurb on news 24. Those of you that were there saw the results… Those of you that weren’t see the below…
Main article with intro to videos: http://www.speakerbox.co.za/content/feature.aspx?cat=Rock&id=70
Diary and practice video: http://www.speakerbox.co.za/content/video.aspx?cat=Rock&id=220
Live performance video: http://www.speakerbox.co.za/content/video.aspx?cat=Rock&id=219
Gallery: http://www.speakerbox.co.za/content/gallery.aspx?id=798&albumID=52
A special thanks to Speakerbox and especially Niel Bekker and Annel Malan for taking up the challenge. If you have views on the show, please send em thru, we’ll publish them.
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